Who I am
What I've Done
Others describe me as
- thoughtful
- strategic
- pragmatic
- approachable
- wise
- conscientious
- solver
- coach
- communicator
Interested? let's talk
I'll help you find this,
escape product development traps,
and avoid this.
Sound appealing? let's talk
My experience affords me the opportunity to independently pursue
what I love doing most:
build technology from the ground up.
no vision too grand, no detail too small.
I advise startups
Ground-floor → IPO experience
Investor perspective
Grounded value system
Supportive communication style
Ideal for:
Companies inception through Series A
Companies considering investment
Non-technical founders
I build things
Business/market/product/tech fusion
Adaptable to any problem
Speed, quality, and impact
Business-first priority
Ideal for:
Uncertainty about technical approach
Simple and low-overhead solutions
Rapid iteration and turnaround
Want to know more? let's talk
This is a list of numerous projects that I have personally built and/or managed.
While they cover a wide range of responsibilities, technologies, and capabilities, they
all share in common that I was responsible for their completion and release.
- css-events - the simplest way to add interactivity to a web page
- simple-html-macro - the simplest way to reuse markup in your web page
- label printing process automation for industrial safety equipment
- engineering team turnaround from stalled to 4 major releases in 6 months
- completion and migration of next-gen web app replacing legacy system
- realtime sump monitoring and dashboarding system
- wordle and sudoku solvers (yes I'm that nerdy)
- dezent - regular-expression-like language for parsing complex and recursive data
- geography-based trucking company recommendation engine
- rapid development framework for enterprise applications
- enterprise inventory management prediction algorithms
- enterprise inventory management app
- metabolic muscle health calculator
- metabolic health management app design
- festival data import management system
- general-purpose consumer festival app design
- athletic performance highlight reel auto-generator
- Android Wear athletic performance measurement app
- next-gen flash memory disk driver
- next-gen kalman filter 3D position tracking algorithm
- 3D athletic performance visualizer
- web, iPhone, and Android 3D athletic performance measurement apps
- next-gen ad server migration
- radio/digital crossover advertising order management system
- protocol to connect Pandora iPhone app with car dashboards via bluetooth
- Pandora desktop application beta
- Pandora iPad app
- Pandora iPhone app
- lightweight JavaScript coroutine library
- advertising infrastructure for Pandora
- asych-to-synchronous compiler for JavaScript
- automated UI test harness for Flash-based Pandora web app
- Pandora web app
- enterprise retail pricing management UX
- enterprise notification and inbox UX
- infinitely scalable AJAX tabular display widget
- enterprise app documentation compiler
- COMET app development library
- AJAX development framework
- enterprise messaging latency visualizer
- enterprise messaging management UX
- enterprise messaging command-line interface
- consumer reward web surfing plugin
- rapid-development ORM library
- site-agnostic authentication system
- fraud research tool for payment system
- e-commerce integration with 3rd-party website builder
- REST API for e-commerce shopping cart
- separation-of-concerns HTML templating library
- platform native database connection library
- cross-domain integrated authentication system
- digital asset management UX
- WYSIWYG business card and stationary designer
- e-commerce shopping cart and transaction processing
- PDF application generator
- online survey form and database
Board Memberships
Winnebago Seed Fund, 2016-
Bovisync, 2017-
Fork Farms, 2021-2024
Liveality, 2015-2023
Allergy Amulet, 2020-2022
University of Minnesota
Bachelor of Music, 1997
Piano Performance major
Computer Science minor
If you made it this far... let's talk